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Since economic crimes affect the entire population, and in particular Pychygy done by certain people For this reason, the prosecution and trial of economic offenses is subject to a complaint private plaintiff is not required to follow its prosecution and indictment of the accused is Economic Crimes to focus on the one hand and the increasing gap between rich and poor investments, and on the other hand the accumulation of capital, , Because it is a tool used to commit other crimes in order to facilitate and increase the risk of falling and thus prevent the economic development and economic security of society. This would not be possible unless the independence of the prosecutor in the prosecutor’s freedom from interference and influence of those in power to be maintained


And only criteria of truth and justice in its ruling, the judgment criteria should be based on perceptions of the justice of the laws and regulations take shape Not recommended and the exercise of power and influence, and thus to be able Prosecutor goals On the way to prevention and the fight against economic crime should be effective by the judiciary and even other branches A series of requirements for the selection and appointment of judges and prosecutors of such practices, independent of power supplies Officers and employees of the prosecutor’s office in helping prosecutors to pursue economic crimes provided


Key words: prosecutor, economic crimes, the prosecutor’s independence, influence, authority




Islamic Azad University Kermanshsh Branch


Faculty of Post-graduate Studies


Thesis for Masters Degree Public of law ((M.A))


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